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Study Satisfaction in Swiss Municipalities 2020

Study on satisfaction in Swiss municipalities 2020

Between February and November 2020, 10,040 people living in Switzerland were asked about their satisfaction with their municipality. The population-representative study was realised as an online survey with recruitment by letter. This project was carried out by intervista as an in-house study.

Results: Overall satisfaction

Overall satisfaction is high: Four out of five Swiss people say they are satisfied in their community of residence. Older people are slightly more satisfied overall than younger people.

Satisfaction with individual aspects

If we look at satisfaction with individual aspects in residential communities, we see clear differences according to the size of the community: communities with a larger population have, on average, a higher level of satisfaction with public transport connections and the offers for sport, leisure and holidays, shopping and culture. In small residential communities, on the other hand, satisfaction with available green spaces, nature, air quality and cleanliness, peace and quiet as well as the feeling of safety with regard to crime are higher.

Reasons for dissatisfaction

People who are overall (rather) dissatisfied in their community of residence were asked about the reasons for this. A variety of different reasons were given. The three most common were the municipal administration or municipal politics, the lack of access to public transport and problems related to road traffic and road safety.

Factors influencing satisfaction

A multivariate driver analysis was also used to identify the most important factors influencing satisfaction in residential communities. The most important aspects include peace and quiet, school facilities, leisure and holiday facilities as well as safety with regard to crime.

Presented in an importance-satisfaction matrix, the results can be interpreted in the sense of an action portfolio. The study thus suggests that, for example, the leisure and holiday facilities should be improved with high priority.

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