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How intervista researches mobility behaviour

On the road with the Swiss people

Like many areas of life, mobility is in a state of flux, driven by various factors such as technological innovations, political measures, the challenges of climate change and changing social needs. Researching these trends in mobility and transport development is a major priority at intervista. With Footprints Research we continuously collect extensive mobility data and with quantitative and qualitative surveys we generate valuable insights into mobility behaviour, current traffic development and needs and motives in the context of mobility.

App-based geolocation tracking

Footprints Mobility data

Mobilitaetsforschung Footprints Research

With Footprints Research, intervista operates a geolocation tracking panel with 4,000 participants in Switzerland, with which the whereabouts and transport use of the panel participants are continuously recorded. The data is collected via a smartphone app developed by intervista. With this data, comprehensive information on mobility behaviour in Switzerland can be derived. This includes, for example, daily distances, routes and stages, use of means of transport, purpose of mobility and tourism behaviour. Thanks to the possibility of surveying Footprints panelists, measured behavioural data can be supplemented with survey data. On the basis of the combined and analysed data, very realistic and meaningful insights can be generated.

Typical questions

Diverse findings

  • What means of transport does the population use and for what purpose?
  • How is mobility behaviour developing?
  • What is the proportion of commuters?
  • How many people pass by places, properties or posters?
  • What are the motives for using the means of transport?
  • Are passengers satisfied? What are the needs for new offers?
Mobilitaetsforschung Erkenntnisse
Beat Fischer
Beat Fischer
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