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An effective management tool

Create a basis for decision-making

Satisfied and motivated employees are a company’s most important asset. This is because such employees enjoy going to work, are therefore motivated and committed, more resilient and productive, identify with their job and their employer, contribute new ideas and thus increase the innovative power of the company. In addition, they are demonstrably less ill. However, growing demands on the working environment, communication, leadership, work-life balance and working climate are challenging many companies to create competitive and good working conditions.

Employee surveys play an important role on the way to satisfied and motivated employees. With systematically conducted surveys you learn about the needs of your staff and how satisfied your employees are. You can collect assessments about specific areas or processes in your company and identify problems. The data provide a picture of the mood in the company, help to highlight positive aspects and uncover grievances and potential for improvement. Ideally, they are then also the impetus for introducing appropriate measures so that a motivating working atmosphere can be created or maintained in the long term.

Added value through employee surveys

Strengthen your company

Understanding your employees

Employee surveys are an important tool to understand the needs and experiences of your employees. Only when you know exactly the motivation and productivity factors, as well as strengths and weaknesses of your company, can you really move it forward.

Promote satisfaction and motivation

Satisfied and motivated employees are important for the working atmosphere, productivity and innovation. After all, once the “inner dismissal” has taken place, such employees significantly reduce their former willingness to perform and their previously above-average commitment and, in the worst case, also negatively influence their work colleagues.

Preventing brain drain

For more and more companies, the knowledge and network of employees is the most important production factor. Brain drain usually means that comprehensive expertise, years of (customer) relationships and experience are lost. Moreover, such a talent drain is costly for a company: through lost knowledge, lost productivity, search and training costs as well as the training time of the new colleague. So the better good employees can be retained, the fewer resignations there will be (Keyword “Retention Management”).

Increase employer attractiveness

More and more applicants are finding out about potential employers on the internet and in social media. With the advent of employer rating platforms and rankings, a company’s image is playing an increasingly important role in recruitment (keyword “employer branding”). Attracting new and qualified employees and retaining them in the long term is easier the more a company can position itself as an attractive, credible employer on the market and at the same time differentiate itself from the competition.

The right survey for your needs

Employee surveys can be firmly scheduled, process- and event-based, individually initiated or accessible at any time as an open channel. As a company-wide survey, they can provide the basis for fundamental strategic corporate decisions, or as regular pulse surveys at intervals of three to six months, they can enable monitoring of the success of measures initiated on the basis of previous surveys. Onboarding surveys provide information about the induction phase for new employees and exit surveys provide information about the motives for employees leaving.

The context and objectives of your employee surveys can be very different. We will be happy to advise you on the targeted design of your employee survey and work with you to develop a customised survey concept.

Mitarbeiterbefragung Befragungen
Mitarbeiterbefragung Methoden

The methodology of choice for your subject area

Employee engagement and commitment are important topics in employee surveys. However, employee health, the customer centricity score of the employees, the leadership quality of the management or certain problem areas can also be in the focus. Most employee surveys use quantitative instruments, i.e. they are conducted with standardised questionnaires that are filled out by a large number of employees. However, there are other approaches. For example, individual teams can be asked about their specific situation. Or strongly structured questions are replaced or supplemented by more open survey methods. This makes it possible to collect more details, for example on existing urgent problems. intervista will be happy to advise you on the right methodology for the specific topic area of your employee survey.

Julia Uhrbahn
Julia Urbahn
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