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Brand research by intervista

Strong research for strong brands

A distinctive, attractive brand is a key success factor. It forms the basis for the relationship between the company and its customers. A strong brand condenses and conveys everything that makes a company or product special: its values, its unique strengths, its value proposition. It conveys not only information about the offer, but also emotions, sometimes a whole attitude to life. It gives customers orientation and security in their purchase decision and enables lasting customer loyalty.

However, exactly how the brand is positioned is only partly within the company’s control. The brand is shaped by all the company’s offers and activities, especially marketing and communication measures. But competitors’ activities and social change also play a role. The brand is a result of these diverse influences: It is created and grows, but must be continuously nurtured and strengthened – because ultimately the only decisive factor is whether and how the brand is perceived by the target group. Brand research by intervista provides reliable insights into this.

We accompany you through all the steps of brand management: together with you, we develop new image concepts, measure and track the awareness and image of your brand in the competitive environment. We use innovative research designs and complex analyses to understand how your brand’s image is created and how you can optimise it.

Brand awareness and positioning over time

Brand Trackings

Strategic and operative brand management are among the most important tasks of corporate management. They succeed best when planning can be based on reliable figures and the success of activities is regularly monitored. That is why numerous companies rely on brand tracking by intervista.

In these studies, we collect central brand KPIs – depending on the client’s needs as an annual or quarterly wave study or even as daily monitoring.

We collect the central brand KPIs along the brand funnel:

the brand funnel
Brand Awareness

A high degree of brand awareness is a basic prerequisite for a brand to have a great impact. Relevant KPIs for this are spontaneous brand recall and aided brand recognition. It is also interesting to know which brands are top of mind.

Brand Familiarity

Familiarity in name only is not enough. Potential customers must also have an idea of the products and services behind it. Knowledge about the brand is therefore also collected at this funnel stage.


Which brands are considered, i.e. are in the relevant set for the respective product or service category? And which is the first choice? The findings on these questions provide information on how well your brand is actually positioned and which are the most threatening competitors.

Purchase/customer status (Purchase)

Of course, the actual purchase and usage behaviour must not be missing from a brand study. Which brands have you already used? Where are you currently a customer? These questions provide information about market conditions.


Loyal customers are those who remain loyal to the brand, buy repeatedly or remain a customer, desire it and are happy to recommend it to their friends. On the last funnel level, we collect KPIs on brand popularity, brand loyalty and willingness to recommend (NPS).

Innovative market research on brand image

Image measurements

How do your current customers and potential target groups see your company or brand? What characteristics are attributed to your brand? How does the image of your brand develop over time? Have communication measures improved the image of your brand? How does your brand compare to the competition?

The right image directly influences the attractiveness of your brand or your company. It helps to decide which target groups you address, how loyal your existing customers are and how successful you are in winning new customers.

We survey how your company or brand is perceived and create an individual image profile with various image dimensions. This allows us to identify differences between the current image (actual image) and the desired image (target image). On this basis, we develop practical suggestions for optimising and positioning your brand.


Consumers unconsciously learn much more about brands than they are aware of and can explicitly name. Unconscious, implicit knowledge can be decisive for a customer’s attitude towards a brand and thus for their buying and usage behaviour – especially in the case of products for which decisions tend to be made spontaneously or no detailed understanding of the product can be gained. In order to take these intuitive and automated decision-making processes into account, intervista uses innovative methods that involve measuring reaction times in the millisecond range. In this way, we validly determine how strongly your brand is mentally linked to various image dimensions.

Image tracking and benchmark measurements

Longer-term and regular image tracking allows you to keep an eye on the development of your image and, if necessary, to initiate targeted communication measures in good time. Simultaneous recording of the image values of your competitors enables you to interpret your own image profile in comparison with your competitors (benchmarking). We offer you comparative analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of your brand image and target-oriented recommendations for action to optimise your market positioning.

Explicit image measurement

The data collection can be done classically via image-related statements. The various drivers of the image are identified and their structure analysed in order to create a comprehensive and well-founded image profile of your brand.

Interview with Dr Michael Schrackmann

Brand tracking studies

Dr Michael Schrackmann is a member of the management team at intervista. Bettina Hufschmied, Marketing Manager at intervista, talks to him about, among other things, what to look for in brand tracking studies in terms of quality, what the trends are and why intervista tailors its studies to the needs of its clients.

To the interview
Impact analysis of sponsorship

How does sponsorship work?

Wirkungsanalyse Sponsoring

Researching the interdependencies between marketing activities and brand image requires a lot of experience and methodological know-how. Read this detailed article to find out how we studied the effect of sponsorship on image, consideration and willingness to recommend.

Read article
Felix Bernet
Felix Bernet
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