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User Experience Test

Let customers test products and services

In order to optimise products, services or communication tools of the company, such as apps and websites in particular, during the development phase or later, users are often called in to test them.

A distinction is made here between usability tests and user experience tests. While usability tests focus very strongly on the product and its effective and efficient use, user experience tests are more comprehensive: they deal with all aspects of a person’s experience when using the product. In comparison to usability, the context of use is added.

Usability is therefore a partial aspect of the user experience, which in turn is a section of the even more comprehensive customer experience, which considers all (relevant) interactions of a customer with a company.

User experience tests are usually carried out with recruited persons of the target group in the presence of a project manager. The actual use of the product is observed and the test persons are encouraged to “think aloud”. In the case of more complex products (or e.g. websites), use cases are often used, which on the one hand divide the use into manageable tasks and on the other hand structure the test.

In addition to the actual usage results, user expectations and satisfaction with the usage are also recorded in accompanying interviews.

Christoph Wuethrich
Christoph Wüthrich
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