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Customer Journey

A Tool in Customer Experience Design

The customer journey or customer journey mapping is a tool from the field of customer experience design. The steps that customers go through with a product, a service or a company are shown in it – e.g. perceive, inform, order, pay, get help, cancel/switch.

For each step, the touchpoints are listed, i.e. the contact points that the customers have with the company (e.g. website, hotline, newsletter) as well as the customer experience (emotion curve). From this, expressed and non-expressed customer needs and requirements can be derived as a starting point for the development or improvement of products and services.

The basis for the content of the customer journey map is customer knowledge – either that which is available to the respective employees in the company or that which is available from market research studies. This map helps to systematise this customer knowledge. intervista offers the conception and implementation of such market research studies.

We are happy to go beyond a single market research study and support you throughout the entire customer journey mapping process. We are happy to accompany you in a tailor-made, multi-stage customer experience study by advising you throughout the entire process and conducting workshops with the project team. We are there for you – from preparation to support during the implementation of measures.

Isabella Bertschi
Isabella Bertschi
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