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Customer Centricity Score

Indicator for the customer centricity of companies

The CCScore is an easy-to-measure indicator developed by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU). It reveals strengths and potential for improvement with regard to customer orientation. The basis for determining the CCScore is formed by 15 different items, which are assigned to three main groups: Leadership, Collaboration and Implementation. In addition, the score can be combined with a number of other variables, such as membership of organisational units, function and position in the company, length of service, gender, age.

Making customer centricity measurable and deriving measures to increase it

Since customer experiences are increasingly becoming the central lever for differentiation and their quality is an important success factor, customers should be at the center of every corporate activity. The prerequisite for this is employees throughout the company who think and act in a consistently and holistically customer-centric manner. However, very few companies know the extent to which customer orientation is practiced. It is seldom ascertained how customer-centric employees act, be it in management, operationally in direct customer contact or among those without direct customer contact. This can easily be changed: With the CCScore, you have a suitable indicator to map the degree of customer centricity of your organization. Your company will thus be empowered to identify the necessary levers for more customer orientation.

The CCScore process

The CCScore survey is set up as an employee survey after your company has decided to use the instrument. The collected values are evaluated and generate a company-wide view of customer centricity. Areas with a high need for action are thus identified. Depending on the requirements, existing market research studies, CRM data or newly collected data can also be used to incorporate findings from the customer perspective as a basis for working towards more customer orientation of the employees.

On this basis, concrete measures can be developed to improve customer centricity and to create differentiating customer experiences. In addition, business models can be optimally aligned with the needs of your customers. The CCScore thus becomes the starting point for a continuous process of organisational development and also allows control and feedback on progress.

We would be happy to support you in conducting a CCScore study and in transferring the results into an action plan with targeted measures as well as goals for increasing the customer centricity of your company.

Julia Uhrbahn
Julia Urbahn
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