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Befragung Mixed Mode


Broad spectrum of methods

The right method for every project

Online surveys are the most widely used survey method in market research. In the meantime, almost all sections of the population use the internet and thus fulfil the basic prerequisite for being surveyed by means of online surveys. The carefully recruited intervista Online-Panel offers optimal access to this: both large samples with a population-representative structure and very specific target groups can be reached without any problems. In customer and member surveys, too, it is often possible to contact participants directly online.

Nevertheless, there are sometimes good reasons to use a different method or to combine different methods – and intervista is an excellent partner for this as well.


Paper surveys

Schriftliche Befragung

In the case of written surveys, the participants fill out a paper questionnaire which they have received by post, as an enclosure in a magazine/brochure or personally at the POS.

Postal surveys are suitable …


to reach regionally narrowly defined target groups, for example for a survey of residents of a municipality or for a survey in the catchment area of a local shop


for customer surveys or member surveys in the B2C and B2B area, if no or only partial e-mail addresses are available for these


if people who do not or only rarely use the internet are to be (co-)investigated. This can be important, for example, when it comes to the media use or information and communication behaviour of older people

Intelligent combination of methods

Mixed-mode surveys

In mixed-mode surveys, we combine two or more survey methods if this increases the quality and/or cost efficiency of the study. We can realise various combinations of online surveys (CAWI), paper surveys (PAPI), face-to-face surveys (CAPI) and telephone surveys (CATI) for you – if necessary in cooperation with selected CAPI/CATI field service partners.

The mixed-mode combination online + paper has proved particularly successful in practice. Both survey methods are self-administered and thus free of unwanted interviewer effects, both allow visual support with logos and illustrations – and they can be designed almost identically to ensure optimal comparability of responses.

Mixed-Mode Online + Paper is suitable …


as a more cost-effective alternative to a purely paper survey


to achieve the highest possible response rate through this combination


if all population segments are to be covered: An online sample is supplemented with a postal survey in order to also offer older people who do not use the internet or use it only infrequently an opportunity to participate


to offer several participation options in customer surveys, from which the customers can choose according to their personal preference

Felix Bernet
Felix Bernet
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