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Data Science AI


From data to insights

Deeper insights through data science and AI

Data Science AI Insights

intervista uses modern methods, procedures and tools in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence to gain deeper insights, increase the quality of results and shorten the time needed to conduct the study. We very often use multivariate methods, for example, to better understand the causality of impact chains, to analyse importance and drivers and to generate insights for price research. Methods based on artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly important for us and are used, among other things, in the area of panel management, in conspicuity analyses and in coding.

The intervista data science team also develops its own models, which are used, for example, in the analysis of data from the Footprints panel. We use these to infer the means of transport used, purpose of mobility, distances travelled and stages from billions of geo-coordinates and data from smartphone acceleration sensors.


Analytical methods in use

intervista uses a wide range of multivariate methods in addition to descriptive analyses.


Better understanding of causalities


Grouping of items and statements


Grouping in segmentations


Analyses of drivers and importance


Trade-off method for analysing importance


Implicit methodology based on reaction time


Indispensable in price and product research

Fast results thanks to artificial intelligence

Predictive Eye Tracking

With predictive eye tracking, intervista uses a methodology for image analysis that is based on artificial intelligence. This research approach is used, for example, to analyse the conspicuousness of advertising in the advertising environment or the conspicuousness of products on the shelf and to derive recommendations. The results are available in a few days and the studies can be realised at significantly lower costs than with conventional eye-tracking projects.

predictive eye tracking demo1 orginal predictive-eye-traking-demo1-overlay
Predictive Eye Traking Demo2 Orginal Predictive Eye Traking Demo2 Overlay
Beat Fischer
Beat Fischer
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