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Events Market Research 2021

Events Market Research 2021

Autumn is just around the corner and we are looking forward to participating in various market research events in the second half of the year.

The first event is the General Online Research Conference in September, where we have been nominated for the Best Practice Award. Also in September, the seminar Behavioral Pricing – Basics & New Findings in Price Research takes place. At the Week of Market Research in October, we contribute to the colourful online festival with several webinars. And at MRMW 2021, we will present a topic from the field of mobility research. We look forward to a colourful market research autumn with you!



General Online Research Conference 2021 (GOR 21) - 8-10 September 2021

The General Online Research Conference 2021 (GOR 21) of the German Society for Online Research (DGOF) will take place as a virtual conference. (DGOF) will take place from 8 to 10 September 2021 as a virtual conference. The conference is dedicated to the discussion and analysis of innovations and current developments in the field of digital research, as well as to promoting the exchange of content between researchers from academia and practice. In addition to the 5 tracks, highlights include exciting keynotes, award competitions and the GOR party.

We are proud to have been nominated for the GOR Best Practice Award 2021 with the study “Mobility Monitoring COVID-19”! The Best Practice Award is part of the GOR 21 programme and is open to case studies that have successfully used online research methods in companies. The conference is organised by the German Society for Online Research (DGOF) and the HWT Berlin. This year, the organisers nominated six contributions. The winners will be chosen by the GOR Best Practice jury and the audience. The audience will vote online directly after the Best Practice session at the conference.

Our presentation will take place on Thursday, 9 September 2021 at 11:30: “Mobility Monitoring COVID-19 in Switzerland” by Beat Fischer (intervista AG, Switzerland) and Peter Moser (Statistisches Amt Kanton Zürich, Switzerland). Vote for us!

Seminar Behavioral Pricing - Basics & New Findings in Price Research - 16 September 2021

On the course
Hardly any entrepreneurial decision has a greater impact on the profitability of the company than price adjustments. Therefore, they should be based on valid market research. The course deals intensively with the findings of behavioural economics and which conclusions can be drawn from this for the optimisation of pricing. Behavioural economics basics as well as concrete pricing research methods such as conjoint, PSM and Gabor Granger are dealt with in detail using case studies.

Target group
The course is aimed at researchers who are interested in analysing human decision-making processes in a more differentiated way in order to derive strategically relevant recommendations for companies.

Dr. Patricia Lüer, intervista

This event is part of the seminar series.

Week of Market Research - 4 to 8 October 2021

The Week of Market Research from 4 to 8 October 2021 is a colourful online festival all about market research and is organised by

intervista is participating in the Market Research Week 2021 with several webinars. On specialist topics such as GPS tracking, conspicuity analysis with artificial intelligence and behavioural pricing as well as a sporty entertainment programme.

Look forward to web seminars, discussion rounds and exciting new formats together with us!

Learn more

MRMW EUROPE 2021 - 20-21 October 2021

MRMW 2021 will take place as a hybrid online and onsite event on 20 and 21 October 2021, giving you the opportunity to meet in person or virtually. Each year, MRMW brings together forward-thinking clients, innovative agencies and technology innovators to discuss the latest trends and innovations driving the industry forward. Today, creative thinking and unconventional solutions are needed more than ever. MRMW offers the answers, connections and know-how to help you prevail!

Our presentation “Smartphone-based mobility monitoring during COVID-19 in Switzerland” will take place on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 at 16:15:

  • Using real-time data to monitor the changes in mobility behaviour in Switzerland during the Corona pandemic
  • Combining location data, means of transportation and purpose of mobility using a probability model
  • Preparing a detailed evaluation based on different sociodemografic target-groups such as age-groups, sex, language regions, car-ownership
  • Sharing data with media, companies and universities to serve as database for additional studies and knowledge creation for a totally new and never seen before situation
  • Speakers: Beat Fischer, intervista AG, Peter Moser, Statistisches Amt Kanton Zürich