Bettina: What KPIs are typically collected in brand tracking studies?
Michael: They are usually KPIs from the marketing or brand funnel, i.e. questions about awareness, consideration, preference, use, recommendation, loyalty and so on.
In most cases, the brand image is also measured, either classically or with our reaction time-based image measurement. These measurements are benchmarked so that our clients not only have an overview of the perception of their own brand and performance dimensions, but also that of the most important competitors and can see where there is a need for action.
Bettina: Can other dimensions also be measured?
Michael: In many of these studies, we also integrate blocks of topics that are variable in terms of time but standardised in terms of content in order to evaluate the impact of specific campaign and sponsorship measures. This allows us to compare the impact of different campaigns.
We also conduct tracking studies in which we measure customer satisfaction with regard to various dimensions over time and in comparison to the competition.
Depending on the client and the industry, however, the content and focus differ significantly. We tailor such studies for the respective client.