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Our company

intervista was founded in 2010 and is a full-service institute for high-quality, individual market research solutions with a focus on quantitative and qualitative online research. We offer you complete solutions from a singlesource and create reliable bases for decision-making through our many years of experience, sound methodological knowledge and the use of modern technologies.

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Our team

Our employees determine the success of our company. Their expertise, their customer orientation and their ability to work in teams are the key to the satisfaction of our clientele. Our common goal is to always offer our customers the best service and the highest possible performance.

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Arbeiten bei intervista

Working at intervista

intervista employs around 30 people in Bern and Zurich. As a constantly growing company, we are always looking for reinforcements. We offer you interesting jobs in market research as part of our team.

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Our clients

We work for small, medium-sized and large companies from a wide range of industries, public or private organisations and administrations. Our clients are the focus of our work and their satisfaction is our most important goal. As we have been working with most of them for many years, real partnerships have developed.

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What would you like to know more about?

Would you like to learn more about our services and solutions, do you have questions or would you like a concrete offer? Get in touch with us. You are welcome to call us or send us a message via our contact form.